
Standard Products

productsScorBox OEE

ScorBox is an ideal product solution to contribute to Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) on the manufacturing floor. At a very low investment cost, ScorBox automatically keeps track of your machines OEE to allow operators, maintenance & management to closely monitor production and provide notifications when efficiency is below a set standard.

Cabinet Fan Kits

Premier Automation produces a high CFM fan and filter product line useful for cabinet cooling applications where cabinet manufacturer standard fan and filter units may provide insufficient airflow. CFM airflow rates range from 800CFM to over 1,000CFM. Contact us to review your need.

Voltage Clamp

Premier Automation offers an SCR based bi-directional overvoltage protection device for DC applications. The clamp is designed to short and quench transients at 1500V. The Voltage Clamp is particularly useful on the output of field suppliers, or with MG set applications.

Custom Products

Buss Fabrication

Premier Automation cuts and bends copper or aluminum buss up to 0.5” thick by 6.0” wide to your exact specification. Our CNC buss bender is programmed to make precise, automatic multi-angle bends to provide perfect, repeatable buss product. Additionally we can punch cable lug connection holes in the buss as required.

Wiring Harnesses

Premier Automation makes custom Wiring Harnesses for many different applications. Contact us regarding your custom wiring harness requirements.